Plenty of cheese



  • A selection of 5 cheeses c1200g (e.g. 1x Angiddy truckle, 1x Perl Las, 1x Hafod Cheddar, 1x Ragstone, 1x Celtic Promise)
  • Cradocs savoury crackers
  • Preservation Society chutney

Your cheeses:

Angiddy; a Jersey cows milk, Brie-style cheese, made in Monmouthshire by Brookes Dairy

Perl Las; a rich, creamy, medium-stregth blue cheese, made by Caws Cenarth

Hafod; a traditional mature Cheddar from Ceredigion

Ragstone; a soft, creamy, medium-strength goats cheese from Herefordshire

Celtic Promise; a wash rind, semi-hard cows milk cheese (washed in cider)


Note: Please state when ordering if there is a specific delivery date required and if you would like any greeting message included within your order.

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